Thursday, June 6, 2013

New Beginnings...

I am nearing the end of my first week as a Lead Teacher at EduCare.  What an exciting week it has been!  Those of you who are teachers know...that the beginning and the first week on the job is always a busy one.  I have gone through several lists a mile long and have been busy giving my new classroom the Mr. Brent touch.  Newsletters, lesson plans, lead teacher meetings, updating things, assessments, literacy program planning, cleaning out cabinets, planning field trips, meeting new children and their families, getting to know the assistant, going through files...and OF COURSE teaching have been things that I have been up to this week.  This is how it will always go from now on...but I love every minute of it!!

Here are some pictures of my classroom...
 These are our student hooks and cubbies.  This is where they can keep all of their precious belongings!

 This is our Art/Science/Discovery Area.  This is also where we eat our meals.

 This is our Housekeeping/Dramatic Play Area.  This has been a favorite this week!  Today the kiddos decided they were going on we have had kiddos from our class go on vacation this week and several more will go on vacation before the summer ends...and what a fun time they had!  It was really fun to just watch and observe their experiences in this area today!

 This is our classroom computer.

 This is our Math/Manipulative/Toys & Games Area.  This table is also used for lunch when needed.

 This is our Reading Area

 This is our Listening Center and Flannel Board Area

 This is our Block Area.  This is also where we have our Circle Time each day.

 This is the Teacher's Area.  After some cleaning and organizing this is what it looks like right now.  I tend to be a pretty organized person but who knows if it will stay this organized.  Cabinets are on either side and up above but they are already pretty full of extra toys and materials.  There is very little storage in each classroom.

 This is a picture of our calendar routine items. 

As I near the end of the week I have tried to take some time to reflect...on many different things...lots of observation of my new students has gone on so I reflect on that...noticing what each child likes, how they tend to act, and building those relationships. 

One day left this week and tomorrow I finish up some prep for next week.  I just spent the evening coloring broken egg shell pieces for an art activity next week.  Gotta write newsletter to go out Monday, go through more files, start planning for literacy program lessons, and figure out how assessments work at our center.  I also have a new employee orientation tomorrow which will interrupt a couple of hours of my day...but nothing I can do about that one! 

First week is almost under my belt...and...cross my far so good! 

Talk to you soon!

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